Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening
Teeth have natural colors depending on genetic factors. While some people have snow-white teeth, some have more yellow teeth. The color of our teeth has a quite importance in terms of aesthetics. It is possible to lighten the color of teeth thanks to today’s technology. Even though teeth are white, they may change colors due to some factors.
- Colorful foods such as tea, coffee, red wine, tomato sauce
- Smoking
- Some antibiotics used in infancy
- Some medications used during pregnancy
- Root canal-treated teeth
- Discoloration can be seen in amalgam-filled teeth.
Tooth whitening makes the teeth whiter than their current color by using some agents. It can be applied in two ways as in-office whitening and at-home whitening. In-office whitening is applied by the dentist in 15-minute sessions on the same day. The number of sessions is specified depending on the degree of color. Teeth whitening trays are prepared in accordance with the measurement of upper- and lower- jaws in at-home whitening treatment. The gel (Opalescence) advised by your dentist is applied into these trays at an appropriate dosage along a determined time (4-6 hours per day). Trays are used in 5-7 days according to the degree of coloration. The agents used in teeth whitening do not harm teeth, but they can cause sensitivity for a while. The sensitivity usually lasts for 24 hours, it is normal to last about one week. After teeth whitening, white spots or craze lines can be seen, which is normal too. After a while, teeth will return to their normal appearance with spit contact. Teeth whitening agents whiten by affecting the dentin layer under enamel instead of the enamel which is the top layer. That is to say, it affects by whitening the inside color of the tooth. Teeth whitening can provide rather effective whitening on the yellow-brown teeth, but it may not have much effect on the gray teeth. Teeth whitening may increase the sensitivity in sensitive teeth. If teeth have deep fractures, sensitivity may occur again in teeth with teeth whitening. We must avoid the effects which cause coloration after the application of teeth whitening (smoking, tea, coffee, cherry juice, wine). Paying attention to this makes the whitening effects last longer. Teeth whitening is not applied to people under the age of 16 and who are pregnant.